Maria's Space: Start Your Year Off In The Garden Of Happiness by Dodinsky #Giveaway #dodinsky

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Start Your Year Off In The Garden Of Happiness by Dodinsky #Giveaway #dodinsky

Happiness looks different to everyone. What does it look like to you in the New Year?
In his latest inspirational book, In the Garden of Happiness, New York Times bestselling author Dodinskyaims to uplift readers’ hearts and souls with words of contentment and self-empowerment, and shares the wisdom and support to find power within ourselves to lead a happy life.

“The magnitude of your life is proportional to the magnitude of your thoughts.” —Dodinsky
New York Times Bestselling Author Empowers Readers to Be Inspired, Strong, and Happy
In the follow-up to his New York Times bestselling debut, In the Garden of Thoughts, inspirational author Dodinsky aims to uplift readers’ hearts and souls with his second book, In the Garden of Happiness (ISBN: 9781492602620; JANUARY 6, 2015; $12.99 U.S.; Hardcover; Gift).
As an emerging leader in positive thinking, Dodinsky weaves words of contentment and self-empowerment in In The Garden of Happiness, and gives readers the wisdom and support to find power within themselves to lead a happy life.
“When life is tough and seems overwhelming, it is my ardent hope the simple reminders in this book will help center your thoughts and lift up your spirit,” Dodinsky said.
When Dodinsky started posting his thoughts online as a way of coping with the blows life had dealt him, little did he know he was also building a sanctuary for weathered travelers across the globe seeking upliftment and inner-strength sustenance.
Dodinsky was deeply humbled when he realized that his ruminations on life became a gift to readers. Appreciative emails from people from all walks of life flooded in, saying he inspired them to look deeper within themselves for the answers to their own happiness and self-worth.
Dodinsky’s Facebook page has become a community where nearly 275,000 people share their own stories.
About the Author: Dodinsky searched for life’s meaning at an early age and came to see the world from a unique perspective. He recognizes the simplicity in complex situations, and masterfully weaves words of power and emotion to inspire people’s spirits.

The 411 by Maria:

I have been a fan of Dodinsky for a few years ever since I found some quotes that spoke to me.

In The Garden Of Thoughts, Dodinsky beautiful speaks to your soul. The words resonate love, feeding your soul, heart and mind with an outpouring of positive thoughts that I want to bottle and read all day, every day.

No matter what you are going through personally you will feel Dodinsky has written this just for you.

I feel if I were to read this book every single day for the rest of my life, nothing negative will affect me.

Give this book to yourself, give it to a friend, give it to a stranger in need.

The words, the images are pure peace!

To Purchase This Book:


To Win This Book 


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.


  1. Lori Thomas4:56 PM

    I like the poem Leave The Past Behind

  2. I learned that Dodinsky is the author of the NY Times bestselling book IN THE GARDEN OF THOUGHTS.

  3. I have been reading Dodinsky for a long time. It is always inspirational, and inspiring. I always seem to find just the right thing when I really need it. Can't wait to read the new book!

  4. I follow dodinsky on twitter: @sandlopeztx

  5. i like the quotes and bidding for charity!

  6. I learned that you can become an email subscriber to his site.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    Love that


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