Maria's Space: Highlights Of My Day And It Is Only 2:54 PM #TBT

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Highlights Of My Day And It Is Only 2:54 PM #TBT

See what I think about my life

Originally written Thursday, August 04, 2005

  • Woke up, made my way to mom and dad's room and tried to pry open their eye lids.
  • Played with playdoh by making small little lint size pieces in every color available so that mom had something to do later.
  • Eat four out of six meat sticks. Mom ate the rest.
  • Watched and danced to the Wiggles. God I love them!
  • Dragged my size Batman around by his cap. He thinks he's tough but I kick his butt every time.
  • Poked my sister in the eye. I like watching mom flinch.
  • Hid my cars under the couch cushion; dad will feel them later when he tries to get comfortable.
  • Watched Oprah or as I say Opa.
  • Sang the alphabet to entertain mom.
  • Read a book with mom.
  • Hugged mommy when she yelled at me for standing on the couch. She hugged back, she is such a sucker.
  • Refused to take my nap.
  • Pointed and told mom what colors I was looking at; (bwon, bwu, yewow, owang, ed, and gway).

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