Maria's Space: Zim's Max Freeze Eases My Pain And Keeps My Cool!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Zim's Max Freeze Eases My Pain And Keeps My Cool!

Zim's Max-Freeze Muscle and Joint Pain Relief actually does work.

I have always had pain in my neck and back. Most of it comes from sitting all day while typing but when I was 12 I ended up playing a stupid game of chicken with my cousins and dove into a 3 foot pool hitting the top of my head on the bottom of the pool. I know, really stupid. I remember just trying to get myself out of the pool and praying that no one would try to throw me in again. I didn't tell anyone at the time what had happened but headed for the nearest bed to lie down. I ended up falling asleep and when I woke 3 hours later, told my grandma that I couldn't move my neck. Well, after many tests, xrays and more I can tell you my life was never the same. I know I am lucky, very lucky. What I was left with after this stupid move was chronic muscles spasms and some messed up bones. In fact the bone in my neck stand pin straight. Most people have a natural slight forward curve to theirs but my C3 and C4 were compressed and my bone is perfectly straight which means my neck is always stiff and I need to constantly rotate it or I get pain from stiffnes which also leads to muscle headaches. UGH...BUT...I have been living with this for a while. My lower back pain is from muscle spasms from compressing my bones with that stupid dive, bad posture, heavy lifting, and sitting too long. All of this adds up to a very moody Maria at times.  What I love most about Zim's Max Freeze is that with the roll on, I can apply it myself instead of waiting for my husband to come home. Usually at that point he is asking me to rub his back and I do with my very stiff, sore neck and back. It sucks.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No compensation was offered.


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I am always having pain on my arm. i would love to try this product.

  2. i always dealing with pain in my hands as i suffer with carpal tunnel

  3. My lower back-had a couple surgeries as well. Can definitely tell when it's gonna rain.

  4. arms, forearms and shoulder pain lately!

  5. mostly my back and knees

    tiramisu392 (at)

  6. It's always something! But usually my low back.

  7. I usually have shoulder & neck pain. tylerpants(at)

  8. I get back pains often. :/


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