Maria's Space: Introducing Dunkin Donuts Spring Flavors

Friday, May 03, 2013

Introducing Dunkin Donuts Spring Flavors

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Dunkin' Donuts. I received a Dunkin' Donuts Party Kit to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

I love my coffee as do many of my friends and Dunkin Donuts is a must do stop on our way to the park, the mall, the baseball field. There are some days it is the only thing we look foward to which is why we are so excited about Dunkin's new great flavors of the season Coconut, Triple Berry, and Strawberry Shortcake.

Dunkin Donuts sent me one gift bag containing three new flavors for my friends to try, a hot/cold cup, recipe for ice coffee and a coupon along with gift bags for 8 friends. It is always hard to select friends for these home parties because I want to invite everyone I know to hang for the day. This is a small town and you tend to know everyone so I asked my bestie who said, "what do you think about doing it at my house?" Sounded great, we could do it on her beautiful deck and set it up really nice for some girlfriends. Together we organized the group and planned it in 2 days. Tell woman they are getting coffee, donuts and free gifts and they WILL come. I sent a Facebook invite asking them to come to an America's Favorite Coffee party and had no problem getting it booked.
Everyone invited said they would come. I made three pots of coffee, threw each flavor in a carafe with a tag with the name on it and headed to Dunkin Donuts while she grabbed the creamer and milk. 
We set the bags up

Each bag had a hot/cold cup but we didn't want to wash theirs so we put out some pretty cups.

Set it all up and waited. We are both early birds so the hardest part of the party was trying not to dig in before our guests arrived.

I had told my local Dunkin Donuts what I was planning and they created a splendid assortment of two dozen donuts and munchkins.  I could go for one right now!

 The ladies started arriving and we would fill up their glass with ice and let them choose the flavor they wanted to try first.

 The moms started with Coconut ice coffee. Five of the 8 of us loved it calling it a favorite of the three at the end.

Thankfully one of my mom friends asked to take a photo which was really nice because when do you ever see me in a review post? Honestly, I think it is because she really wants to use my camera.

This is my bestie who was the host with the mostest, offering up her home to my friends.

Sonia was the last one to arrive and we quickly got her accumulated to all three coffees. She started with the Coconut because that was the one most of us raved about.  She preferred the Strawberry Shortcake which was the second favorite of the day.

 All in all, we all tried all three coffee and I can tell everyone had a good time. The Triple Berry came in dead last. None of use loved it but I don't know if that was because we all loved the other two so much. Everyone said it tasted a little bitter. Maybe it was my measurements. However, the Strawberry Shortcake smelled the best. It truly made my car smell amazing.

Everyone stated they would be using their coupon to purchase one of the Dunkin Donuts limited time coffees. My husband and I often buy Dunkin Donut coffee from the supermarket or Dunkin Donuts to treat ourselves.  These flavors will be available in your supermarket for a limited time, so check to see if your store is carrying them, and give them a try.

Friends, coffee, donuts, beautiful weather, what more could you ask for? If you enjoy ice coffee, you will love these fresh flavors from Dunkin Donuts.


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Great review Maria! It was a great review party. I love Dunkin Donuts.Thank you so much for asking me to review coffee. Dunkin Donuts deserve a thank you as well for being so generous to you and to the women for the nice gifts. I will definitely be available for the next one.

    THANK YOU THANK YOU! you are the best.

  2. I would not have chose coconut because that is one thing I have never been able to tolerate all my life. Just don't like it but that strawberry shortcake sounds fabulous to me. And look at those donuts...yummy!

  3. Looks like everyone had a great time. The Strawberry Shortcake sounds so good but I like Coconut too. It would be hard for me to choose a favorite. The donuts looked so tasty too.

  4. My sons love Dunkin Donuts coffee. I will have to try the new flavors.

  5. that looks and sounds yummy! i love the cups and decor used :)

  6. Looks like a great time! I'm not really into flavored coffess, but the Coconut coffee would be great to make cold latte's with. Thanks!

  7. oh my that coconut flavored coffee looks good!

  8. the strawberry shortcake coffee looks scrumptious and the doughnuts make me want to eat my screen! lol

  9. Those donuts look delicious! It's been forever since I've bought some from there. The heart one is cute!


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