Maria's Space: I Hate You Kelly Donahue by Mark Svartz

Friday, March 30, 2012

I Hate You Kelly Donahue by Mark Svartz

The 411 by Maria

Well, first...I love the whole look of the book. Written in handwritten diary form complete with little drawings and attached emails and photos. So very cute for a book written about how much someone despises another.  Basically Mark spends most of the book laying out his plan to "KILL" Kelly (can someone please check on Kelly?). One of his plots includes the soundtrack of David Hasselhoff blasting in the background and an uneaten plate of German bratwurst and sauerkraut.  Enjoyable book!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this sounds so nuts and interesting! I have to read it!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com


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