Maria's Space: The Dead - Zombie Apocalypse in Africa

Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Dead - Zombie Apocalypse in Africa

The Dead

The 411 by Maria:

Teach and I love our Zombie movies. We are big thriller fans and since The Walking Dead is our favorite show of the moment we were excited to see this.

While they don't have a big zombie makeup budget, what they lack in zombielicious, they make up in cinematography and storyline.

Rated R due to the flesh eating zombie scenes which are very reminiscent from the zombie movies of my youth, I found this apocalyptic movie moving in a very quiet way. Two men, one white, one black, both trying to get to their family work together to survive the zombie Apocalypse.  On the surface they appear very different but underneath they are the same, two dads who hold on dearly to a photo of their family and do what they can to take care of each other while surviving.

While the movie is different than most, these zombies are quiet. They can sneak up on ya in a second. They walk so slow that it is amazing they get anywhere at all. You can literally finish filling your car full of gas even if they are within eye sight because they walk slower than my 96 year old grandmother. All the zombies have beautiful blue, white eyes and they all look like they are starving. Nothing like trying to eat the living when the living are already dying from hunger.

The two main actors do a great job of holding the movie together and Prince David Osei is such a good looking guy that I was bummed when it looked like he wouldn't be getting back to his son.

We loved the movie despite the lack of action or drama but were extremely disappointed with the ending. The movie may have taken itself too seriously and ran out of gas in the last 5 minutes. Due to the lack of a proper ending we give this movie 3 out of 5. Nicely done.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't watched too many of these types of films. It sounds way out there! Thanks for the review. I have a friend who watches this stuff all the time and can't get enough of it. Rita Spratlen


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