Maria's Space: Welcome to the New Home of Color Carnival - Celebrating 90 Weeks

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Welcome to the New Home of Color Carnival - Celebrating 90 Weeks

Welcome to another colorful week here at Color Carnival!

Welcome Color Carnivalers (is that a word?) to your new home. I am certain that having it over here will make it soooo much more easier for me. Thank you to everyone who is following and I apologize for the move. (reason for move here.)

This week we saw some very beautiful photos and the winner with 2 votes was Hocam  with this colorful shot of a hot air balloon.

Hope everyone had a great week. Enjoy the reminder of your weekend and remember to stay colorful no matter how dark it seems at times.

Sorry about the thumbnail and voting, but things have changed in the Linky Areas. If you want to continue voting you can email me or leave a comment below.

I can't wait to see your photos


  1. Congrats on being the new home of Color Carnival! Hope you have TONS of joiners. I have decided to join you with my submission:

    (I think the linky is not accepting submissions because the time is 8:46PM instead of AM.)

  2. I've posted my link but it's not showing here....

  3. Hi, I've added my link but I cannot see any of the submissions,am I missing something, sometimes I'm a little technically challenged:-))

  4. I think next week we will see our pictures again. I don't want to change anything that may mess with the folks who entered already. I am not sure how that would work.

  5. Maybe you could post when this linky is open? It used to be open most of the week. And we miss the thumbnails and hope they return! My entry is

    What url should I use for the linkback?

    Thanks, Sara

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sara,
    Not sure if this is old but all is well this week. The new post went up Saturday the 21st and appears to be fine.

    I think you may have gone onto the wrong post. This is last weeks. At the top of the page, is the color carnival button, you can access the newest post right there.

    As for the URL, I would use the main page I guess


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further