Maria's Space: Book Review Wednesday - 20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book Review Wednesday - 20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger!


I received an ARC copy of Bob Green's 20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger for review from Hachette Book Group. As a long time Oprah fan, I have been listening to Bob Green for a long time, and find him very practical.

Product Description
It's time to turn back the clock! In 20 YEARS YOUNGER, Bob Greene offers readers a practical, science-based plan for looking and feeling their best as they age. The cutting-edge program details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health, improved energy, and a positive outlook on life. The four cornerstones of the program are: an exercise regimen for fighting muscle and bone loss, a longevity-focused diet, sleep rejuvenation, and wrinkle-fighting skin care. Woven throughout the text is practical advice on changing appearances, controlling stress, staying mentally sharp, navigating medical tests, and much more. Readers will walk away with a greater understanding of how the body ages and what they can do to feel-and look-20 years younger.

What I Can Tell You: While there was nothing ground breaking on why we age or the benefits exercise, diet and lifestyle have on aging, I found it to be a good book. Bob does a good job of breaking down the program into four steps.

Exercise: We all know that exercising makes us feel better but with Bob's plan, he incorporates loads of variety and alternatives to maximize the benefits while keeping it doable for the average person who can't fit in a full workout. He also tells you to do only what you can do. Exercise is a commitment to self and many of us still don't know how to do this. Most people, mostly moms, put everyone else first so as a mom, I appreciate the line, "take on as much as you can handle at a time." I must admit that since reading this book, I have done morning stretches before even going to make the coffee and feel so much better for it. My spine is happy.

Eating/Diet: I hate writing the word diet which is why I put eating first because I don't mean diet as in diet to lose weight. I mean diet, as in what you eat. Bob's plan has a nifty little chart based on how to get your daily calorie level. It is broken down by what you are trying to achieve (i.e. a woman who isn't looking to lose weight) and your activity level. There is also a great chart on How Much of everything you should eat based on your calorie level.  I was most interested in his section on The Science of Calorie Restriction and how and if it works. Ummm....

Recapturing Your Skin's Youth: Bob isn't talking about creating an illusion with makeup but actually turning back the clock. Bob uses a polish (exfoliation)-cleanse-nourish approach. I love his line, "there is no need to spend extreme amount of time and money on your skin." I am all for that. As a drugstore moisturizer buyer, this sits very well with me. While he doesn't tell you the best one to use (he is either coming out with his own, or hasn't partnered with anyone yet), he does tell you that your "polisher" should be a superfine, nonabrasive and possibly contain sea minerals, etc. A good polisher is worth every penny.

Your cleanser should be gentle enough to use on your entire face including your eyes.

Your Nourisher (not moisturizer) should contain an antioxidant, vitamins and anti-aging ingredients.

This entire section of the book is worth the cost of the book alone!

Rejuvenating Sleep: "Sleep is like the air we breathe; we need it to be healthy in virtually every way, as well as to be safe."  Enough Said!

Beside all this and more information, you will find meal plans and exercise routines along with recipes. This is not a book to borrow from the library. This is a keeper!

To Order: 20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book courtesy of Hachette Book Group.

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