Maria's Space: Transitions: How Woman Embrace Changes & Celebrate Life by Dr. Abigail Brenner

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Transitions: How Woman Embrace Changes & Celebrate Life by Dr. Abigail Brenner

Product Description:
Throughout their lives, women go through big changes, but what makes some women embrace these moments while others feel as if they are about to fall apart? Psychiatrist Abigail Brenner believes that the answer lies in how we consciously mark these changes and allow them to change us. Full of personal stories and case histories, Transitions explores the passages that are meaningful to contemporary women and then supplies the tools, creative projects, and rituals to honor these occurrences. Full of provocative discussions, inspiring personal stories and anecdotes from Brenner, Transitions is dedicated to helping women identify, respond to, and celebrate their times of growth. 

What I Can Tell You: I am not big on self help books because I feel that most of them say things that are so blatantly obvious that it almost seems condescending to read it.  However, this one was smart and thorough full of intelligent solutions that can help woman or men work through the transitions of life giving tools and observations that will inspire and heal. 

My favorite chapter deals with religion and spirituality. I loved her Spirit Principals to Live By especially the Live an Open Life where she states "Everything for your journey is already with you." She is right you know? It is the world that messes us up, our foundations, upbringing, etc. We come into this world completely ready for everything and then life gets in the way of clarity.  Also, "Be faithful to yourself!" Has there ever been a more real statement! So many people, if they were just faithful to themselves and WHO they are, would just be so much more happier. We feel we have to be a certain way, around certain people, we compromise who we are, what we feel, think, want, yet, it gets us no where but feeling unfilled. 

This isn't a one night read. This is one of those books that you scan, find gems throughout, open randomly or when needed.

I highly recommend this book!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as part of an FSB Media Book Tour for my honest opinion.

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