Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Dinner at the North Pole

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Dinner at the North Pole

The end of November the kids and I headed to a place in New Jersey called Ice Caverns. We got to peek into the window of Mr. and Mrs. Claus enjoying our favorite meal.

We also met a friendly penguin. Don't you love the lights?

Meeting the penguin

Then Handsome and Santa shared a moment! We see you Santa.


Not the best composition but I love their faces. Can't visit Santa without wearing some red of our own.


  1. Looks like a wonderful time! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Indeed, wearing red at Christmastime seems perfectly appropriate! The capture of the kids is great, no need to pose them - this view of the two of them is wonderful. Ah, the sweet memories...

  3. What a great Santa Village. The kids sure look like they are having a lot of fun for sure

  4. Looks like they had a great time. Happy Ruby.

    Maria @ LSS

  5. Anonymous12:40 AM

    penguin as waitress? lovely!
    kids surely had santa fun:)

  6. Sweet picture of the kids ! Christmas had the ideal color for Ruby red, lol !

  7. Oh boy, the kid in me just loves this!!! How fun.

    Come visit me today...I have special Ruby Red Earrings to show off for Tuesday.

    Here's the direct link:
    My Ruby Tuesday

  8. a terrific place to brings your kids to. marvelous shots.

  9. Great shots! Wish we had a place like that here.

  10. Those are all great photos. I love that place, it looks like such a fabulous place to visit. I'm glad you got to take the kids before you were too sick.


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