Maria's Space: Photo Hunt - Your Choice

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Photo Hunt - Your Choice

I took this picture last year. 2011 has yet to see my camera in my hand. So sad! No pictures of my Christmas tree, Christmas morning, the kids opening their gifts. It truly makes me sad that I have nothing to commemorate the holiday. Surgery and recovery overtook my entire life. But, hopefully by next month, I will be up and running.

tnchick from Photo Hunt asked for a picture of our choosing this week. This picture was taken the end of November during the kids visit to Santa. I loved these lights and the little red house ornament. Those lights just make me smile.



  1. I hope you will have good 2011! I can see why this makes you smile =)

  2. Brita,

    Thanks so much. It was such a cute ornament.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    That is so cute!

    Come see my PhotoHunt entry.

  4. Awww...thanks guys. I think it's cute too.

  5. I love that photo... The detail on the house is wonderful and the lights make it so beautiful.


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