Maria's Space: The Three Christmases of William Spencer

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Three Christmases of William Spencer

The Three Christmases of William Spencer by Derek Blount will hit the shelves next month.

Product Description

Christmas is always special, but even more so if your birthday falls on the same day. As William Spencer celebrates his birthday each year on December 25-first as a child in rural America in the 1930s, and then as a World War II veteran, husband, and father-he learns that, no matter what his circumstances, happiness is an attitude, not a condition.But as a solitary old man living in a one-bedroom apartment, William Spencer expects this Christmas birthday to be his last. His holiday is one of solitude and reflection, dominated by the echoes of the past and by a single, simple wish. When an unexpected turn of events reminds William of a lesson learned many years ago, he's faced with a choice. Can he find the strength to imagine a new future?

What I Can Tell You: This book may be small, 56 pages to be exact, however, the life lesson is massive! Happiness is an attitude. It is the way you carry yourself, it is the way you handle yourself. Choose to be happy and you will be. Look inside for your happiness and not on the things surrounding you.

In the first story, Billy is only 7 and his parents couldn't get him the sled he really wanted although they managed to get him one. When he goes to the popular hill to sled, he notices a boy named Vernon with "the" sled he wanted. Feeling sad and defeated he quickly cheers up when Gracie, a girl he likes asks to ride with him. Soon he is giving rides to everyone while Vernon is sledding alone. Billy's sled fits more than one and he had a great day.

In the second story, we find Billy and Gracie have married and they have a son. Christmas isn't great due to his mother-in-laws fall down a flight of stairs, the dog stealing the turkey, the hot water heating breaking, but Billy remembers someone he served with in WWII who was killed and realizes he has everything he needs.

In the last story, Billy is alone. Gracie and his son have passed away. He is sad and lonely and prays to God that this is his last Christmas until a surprise visit from a grandson and a great-grandson revive him.

This was truly a beautiful book. One that I will remember and talk about for a long time.

Pre-order on Amazon to add to your Christmas collection. This is also the perfect gift. Look for it in my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of The Three Christmases of William Spencer from Phenix & Phenix

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