Maria's Space: Headchefs for Little Chefs Plus A Giveaway

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Headchefs for Little Chefs Plus A Giveaway

Aren't these guys cute? Have you ever seen anything like them?
Introducing Head Chefs!


What I Can Tell You:
These are really cute. For the first two weeks of owning them Goddess took them everywhere and slept with measuring spoon because she liked his color.

Do the utensils make the kids want to cook? Well, my kids always want to help in the kitchen but they make me want to cook. I love them. They are very whimsical and sweet looking with their adorable belly buttons and bums.

I love how colorful they look when they are lined up on my counter with their little suction cup feet, like my own personal kitchen army.

Goddess loved using them (you may remember them from this post) she shouted, "look mom, I'm kissing their butt!"


We baked a cake and she really loved being able to have "her own" utensils.


She felt grown up as I let her do the entire cake by herself.


There is something very sweet about little ones creating in the kitchen. The cake was awesome and Goddess wants a collection of Head Chefs. Easy enough since their price tags make them great stocking stuffers for this Christmas.


  1. Hi - for these entries, do you have to complete the "form" multiple times, or complete the form once and document multiple times. So, for 3 entries - fill out the form 3 times or document "newsletter" for example 3 times in ONE form.


  2. Monique and anyone else who has been wondering the same thing. Until I can figure out how to put numbers on my blog comments the form is the only way I know how to make sure I don't have to count each comment and possibly make a mistake.

    Separate form comments is the only way I know how to make them appear separate on the excel spreadsheet. I am sure there has to be a way and if anyone knows, please feel free to contact me. It would make it easier on all of us.

    But, yes, to answer the question Monique, it would go 3 times if you are doing 3 entries...

    If you put all the entries in one form. The excel spreadsheet only shows me your name on one line instead of 3.

    Thanks for asking.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This is the cutest cooking utensils!! I think kids would want to help more!! Goddess looked so cute in the pictures.


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