Maria's Space: Get Your Letters from Santa with Printable Santa Letters.Com + A Giveaway

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get Your Letters from Santa with Printable Santa Letters.Com + A Giveaway

We all know that the holiday rush sometimes overwhelms us we often forget the smallest details. Between shopping, cooking, visiting, parties, wrapping, etc, the days can get away from us and at the last minute we remember something that we now won't get in time for the holiday.

Imagine, you are sitting around a few days before Christmas Eve and you suddenly remember that your kids never got a letter from Santa. The horror! They wrote to him. They have received a letter every year and this time you forgot.  It will take 5-10 business days and Christmas is coming fast. What do you do????

As a mom of two kids with a busy schedule I can tell you this is often the case, and that is why I fell in love with a company started by two moms with young kids.

What I Can Tell You: 
Thanks to Family Review Network and Printable Santa Letters.Com, my letters are printed out. We received a code for Package 1, The Gold Package. The kids are scheduled to write their letters out this evening and put them in the mail tomorrow. On Saturday, I will have them check the mail after the Soccer game (after a call to Dad to put them in the mailbox), to see if there is mail. I can't wait to see their faces when they spot the envelopes.  (Pictures coming).

My favorite thing about Printable Santa Letters.Com is that there is no wait from the time you pay. It take only as long as it takes your printer to print.

Among the 8 letters to choose from, there is a First Christmas Letter and a Your In Kindergarten Letter. These are so cute! Goddess is getting the Your In Kindergarten Letter.

Beside the great product, the ladies are a joy to work with and extremely sweet and accommodating.

What a wonderful company and a great gift for a child that they will be appreciate and make them feel special and loved.

Whether you are a parent, an auntie, a grandparent, a friend, if there is a child in your life who believes or maybe needs a little reminder to be good because "Santa is watching", head over to Printable Santa Letters.Com and find the letter that is perfect for your child.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if it's my crazy computer or if the giveaway entry section is really missing, but all I see is a place to leave comments.


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