Tuesday, November 02, 2010

ABC Wednesday - P

The Letter this week is P. What do I have for P?
Posing = Goddess sees a camera and well....as you can imagine..she either runs away or poses. Thankfully, usually she poses.

Peculiar = Umm...can anyone else do this? Check out Goddess' eyes. One goes in and one goes down. How does she do it? Seriously, this creeps me out.


Pumpkins = Seriously, who won't have pumpkins this time around?

Press = I think I kept getting in this newscasters frame. She was not happy. Geez.


  1. The P Pictures are all great, but my favorite is Goddess with the funny eyes.

  2. A praise worthy group of shots for the P letter. I love all of them but the crazy eyes on the little goddess and the mean eyes on the press were my favorites.

  3. The look on the newsperson's face is hilarious. Good for you. You have just as much right to be on the planet as she has.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Visitors and comments are always welcome.
    -- Kay

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Gorgeous goddess and how does she do that with her eyes????
    Poo poo to the press! All they care about is ratings anyway-the truth went out the window a long time ago.

  5. What a cute pumpkin. the gourds are nice too.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Love their costumes, but omigoodness...her EYES!!! Too funny :)

  7. pride is what I believe you must have for her she is awfully pretty and her trick with her eyes makes her even more interesting

  8. Gramma Anne, She has a talent. Hopefully it will get her work when she gets older.

    Carver, Hahaha...such an expressive post. I should have saved it for "e"

    Kay, That is exactly how I felt. I wanted to the picture too. Her camera guy was following the funeral, I was standing in the middle as they came by. If he wanted a better shot, they should have moved.

    Paula, Seriously, I couldn't do that if I wanted to. Totally agree about the press. She had a face on the whole time except when on camera. Blah!

    Roger, Thanks so much.

    Bek, What the heck? How does she do that? I have tried but can't. It's not like I am putting in old Marty Feldman movies or anything. She looks crazy.

    ShopAnnies, Yes! Pride is what I feel every time I look at them. They are wonderful children and make me laugh. You are right.

  9. LOL @ the miserable newswoman.... she can get a grip and a new frame.

    Love the pumpkins, but I didn't go there. So here is one odd woman out.


  10. Love all, I mean, all of the facial expressions you shared! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my "p" post too!

  11. It would have been useful if you could have brought out the Goddess to give the press person 'the eyes'

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Goddess is too funny.

    That press lady was just grumpy.

    I love all the pictures.

  13. Terrific post - love the photos and the clever captions!


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