Maria's Space: Thematic Photographic - Kids - The Scene Stealer

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Thematic Photographic - Kids - The Scene Stealer

Kids; is the theme this week over at Thematic Photographic at Cami's blog. Now, this is a theme I have an abundance of photos in.

This is my go to photo, it has appeared on my blogs at least 3 times this year. I call it Scene Stealer because I was taking a picture of my beautiful son when his sister totally stole the show. This picture is a testament to their personalities. He is more calm and quiet, giving a smile only when asked. He is sweet and loving but in a sweet soothing way. She is like fire; alive, bright, dangerous, but without it you would die.

BTW...if you are like me join my Sunday Photography meme called WIP (Week in Pictures). Post a picture for everyday of the week with a description of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Yin and yang: I love how every child has his or her own unique way of being. I also love how they interact with each other in scenes like this.

    Gorgeous shot: I'm so glad you shared it as part of this week's TP. Thank you for chiming in...I'm happy to have met you and hope you'll come back often. I can't wait to see more of your work.


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