Maria's Space: Helping Your Teen Practice Sensible Internet Use This Summer

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Helping Your Teen Practice Sensible Internet Use This Summer

The summer break is a good opportunity for teens to unwind and relax after a tough year of school,
and a welcome break from all the high school angst that they deal with. But it’s easy enough for you
teen to spend too much time relaxing and choosing to spend all day online instead of going outside
or making other plans. Finding a balance is important, and it could be time for you to step in and make
sure they remember to live in the real world.

If you want to help your teen practice sensible internet use this summer, take a look at the following

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Give them some chores to do

While the summer break is a time for teens to relax, they shouldn’t be allowed to let all of their
responsibilities slide over the next couple of months. Giving your teen some chores to do each
day can help make sure they take a break from the screen while also being helpful in the house.
You could even withhold the wifi password until you know they’ve done everything they need to
do - it might seem harsh, but it’s a good way to teach them some responsibility.

Help them get out of the house

If your teen is out of the house, they’re less likely to be spending all of their time online. The summer
is a good time to take a break from education, but they might want to still think about their future.
Helping your kids find volunteering opportunities can be a great way of getting them some useful
work experience that could benefit them in the future. It can also help to teach them some
responsibility and show them that there’s more to life than Instagram or Netflix.

Put parental controls in place

Sometimes your teen will need a helping hand to use the internet safely. Having parental controls
in place is a good idea to help your teen avoid any dangerous content online. You can also
safeguard your kids with Family Orbit, a tracking app that can help you monitor their online activities.
Some teens find it difficult to open up to their parents about what’s going on in their lives, so having
this added protection can alert you to any issues they might not have told you about.

Set a good example yourself

Are you guilty of using your phone or laptop too much in the evenings? Perhaps it’s time that you set
a better example. If your kids see you using your phone constantly, they’ll grow up thinking this
behavior is normal. Try avoiding your phone between certain times of the day, and if you’re all
having dinner or watching a movie - agree that everyone puts their phones away. It can be fun for
you all to have a digital detox together, and focus on spending better quality time together as a family.

The internet is a great thing, but it can easily become addictive for teens. Put solid rules in place
and help your teen practice sensible internet use so that you know that they’re safe when they
go online.

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