Maria's Space: Getting Kids To Detox From Electronics Before Summer Ends

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Getting Kids To Detox From Electronics Before Summer Ends

I try daily to get my kids off their electronics. It is a conscious effort. Sometimes it means giving them a ton of small chores that keeps them moving and too busy to miss their electronics. It might be a movie they have been asking to re-watch again or even a new movie (DVD, Library Borrows, or Netflix (I will not spend movie if I don't have to). We volunteer as much as we can at an animal shelter cleaning cages, play cards, do puzzles, play board games, read books as a family (this year it is Harry Potter). I also sign them up for every free class given at the school or library AND sometimes we just head to the park. Anything that doesn't cost money because who has a ton of cash laying around to just take them out every day?

I am happy even if they are off line for a few short hours so if you guys have any suggestions for other things we can do that do not cost money but get them off their electronics doing something they will love I am so interested in hearing.

Yesterday we headed to the park with friends and their parents were excited that they were moving "in real life" and not just in a game.   It wasn't a great weather day and drizzled on us a few times on top of being so damn hot but mostly I was just happy to see them all outside.

Things got even more interesting when the Goonies found a dead something under a grate. They couldn't distinguish whether it was a bird or a rat or a mouse but were so upset that it was being eaten by bugs.

I didn't get any great pics because I wanted them to just do their thing without me shoving a camera in their face or making them pose but I am so glad I got some shots of Goddess hanging with her oldest friend and her current BFF.

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