Maria's Space: Wanting To Feel Fine In My 50’s

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wanting To Feel Fine In My 50’s

This August I will turn 52. It is not so much the number I am not not loving but the fact that I am getting older which makes me think about old age and wondering what does life have in store for me?  Will I love to be an “old woman? How old will my kids be? Will my husband and I still be together? Will I suffer? Be lonely? Be bitter?  These are not things I want to think about. They creep into my mind every once in a while.

My dream is to live as long as possible but still be a viable, active, and loving person who has family around me and wants to still be with me? Is that too much to ask for?

I try to take care of myself. When I am sick or feel something is wrong I go to the doctor.

I don’t eat whatever I want but ever did. This doesn’t mean I eat only healthy but I make a conscious effort that if I am going to eat something not great, I don’t eat much of it.

Usually I get about 6-8 hours of sleep.

I drink a lot of water, eat healthy foods and try to move around.

Don’t and never have smoked. I am the occassional beer, wine drinker (prob 8-10 a year if that counts). Never took a non-prescribed drug.

Stay away from take out.

Have a good attitude about life, people and things.

All good things no? BUT....I don’t always get enough sleep. Don’t always make sure I get enough servings of fruits and veggies.  Don’t always get enough exercise and I am at least 30 pounds over-weight.

So...what am I doing to rectify this and take me into my 50s and further in a better way than I spent the past 10 years? I joined a gym.

What else can I do?

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