Maria's Space: Day 5 - Frozen - Photo Challenge

Friday, January 05, 2018

Day 5 - Frozen - Photo Challenge

I challenged myself to take at least a photo a day. Photography was what originally brought me to the blog world and with life being so crazy I have put it on the back shelf. I plan on taking more photos this year and sharing it with you. If you plan on playing along with your own challenge please leave a link to your photo so I can find it. about my photos of the day. This week I posted photos from my ride to and from work and how beautiful it is. Today after a snow day and a school delay the road was still beautiful but scary a few times as my truck fishtailed everywhere at 15-25 miles an hour.

These pics were taken from inside the truck with snow whipping around me like little mini tornadoes that started in the field and traveled across the road. It was 5 degrees out and as much as I wanted to get out and take some pics the wind made it feel like -12.

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