Maria's Space: Day 4 - Photo Challenge - What Do You Do On Snow Days AND Snow Days Are A Gift

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Day 4 - Photo Challenge - What Do You Do On Snow Days AND Snow Days Are A Gift

Handsome and Luna watching a cat video

I don't know about others but I love snow days. Thankfully I am very fortunate to work in a place where my boss understands I am a mom first. My kids are my utmost priority so when they are home, I am home and being with them is my favorite place to be.

This morning my husband headed in to work sooooo early. The alarm went off at 1:45 am. He shut it and I stayed awake so that I could wake him no later than 2:05 but then couldn't go back to sleep. He left at 3:45 and I tried for over an hour to sleep. It was definitely going to be a snow day so I shut the kids doors so the phone wouldn't wake them and waited.

They were both up before 8:30 and excited! After breakfast we watched a movie, spent time with the cat, headed outside to shovel so my husband could get in, played a game or two, baked cookies and just enjoyed being around each other. My days of them wanting to be with me are coming to a close as they are getting older. Their friends will eventually take much of their down time but until then, I will make the most of our days together and even when they are driving me crazy, remind myself that I will miss these fights, arguments and loud voices in the too soon coming years.

Note to my readers: Enjoy your kids! They are kids for only a short time and you will never get this time with them back!


  1. Sounds like you had a nice snow day. Ours was lazy...started with cinnamon rolls for breakfast, watched some tv, made brownies and took naps. I love snow days!

  2. Jackie, my daughter was hoping we had the makings for cinnamon rolls. We diidn’t so cookies it was. It sounds like the perfect snow day at your house. Naps are what I needed. Oh well! 9:45 PM I was asleep and up again at 4:30. COLD and brutal here. Thank God for delayed school openings.


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