Maria's Space: Photo Challenge - Day 16 - Day 21

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Photo Challenge - Day 16 - Day 21

Day 16 - Amazing and exciting win from Sean Cannell from Think Media

Day 17 - Home sick and got to spend a lot of time with my kitty. She is a very busy girl during the day.

Day 18 - My daughter loves using Snapchat filters. Luna looks incredibly smart with glasses.

Day 19 -I stopped on my way home today to take this and about 4 other photos of this barn, these rustic silos and the gorgeous winter sky.

Day 20 - I love this girl and she looked so cute playing a virtual reality game of Goosebumps

Day 21 - The kids and I do volunteer work every weekend at an animal shelter. This week we also signed up to take part in the envelope stuffing for a fundraiser to help the animals even further. On our way out we picked up the supplies. Look at my girl carrying the super heavy 50 + pound box and my son with a box of envelopes. She is a fearless chick and I hope her I can do anything attitude carries her far.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous picture of the barn. I thought it was a painting when I first saw it. Absolutely beautiful!


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