Maria's Space: Time for A Movie Date Night Giveaway With Your Significant Other Or How Is Your Level Of Testosterone? Find Out and Enter to Win A Book And Movie Tix

Friday, February 01, 2013

Time for A Movie Date Night Giveaway With Your Significant Other Or How Is Your Level Of Testosterone? Find Out and Enter to Win A Book And Movie Tix

Teach and I are in the process of meeting with a hopefully future babysitter next week so we can start having our very own date night at least once a month to start. It is so important to your relationship. The last movie the man saw in the theater was Just Married, I was very pregnant and he didn't mind. We were on a double date with Handsome's Godparents. It is time for us to get some alone time out of the house.

The man is in the best shape of his life and healthy as a horse but I have been hounding him to get to the doctor and get a check up.

How about your guy, or dear male readers, yourself? Have you been taking care of your health? PartnersHub has teamed up with Dr. Sloan Teeple and his wife Susan to help educate people on the effects of Low Testosterone in men.

The Teeples personally struggled with some inexplicable health and relationship problems, until Dr. Teeple had his blood tested.  At just 33 years old - he found out that he had the testosterone level of an eighty-year-old man!  Simply knowing this helped him get his “T” back on track... and restore his health, mood, relationship, and vitality!

Quick STATS on Low “T”
- Low Testosterone affects over 40% of men over 45 years old.
- Only 5% of these men will be diagnosed.
- Low Testosterone is nearly 100% curable.

Symptoms of having Low “T”
- Loss of Sexual Desire
- Fatigue
- Unexplained Weight Gain
- Poor Concentration
- Moodiness

Bottom line: A healthy testosterone level can be the key to supercharging your relationship, health, and sex life.

Enter to win a copy of I’'m Still Sexy So What’s Up with Him? and Movie Tickets (Don't you just love that title?)

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Disclosure: I am working with Teeple'’s Testosterone, to facilitate this giveaway. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. I took the T test. Wow...first date in ten years?! It might be best to ease back into it with an old tried-but-true date plan: dinner and a movie! If you're feeling like doing something different, hit a street fair or craft show. Check the newspaper for any shows, conventions, events, etc. that have free entry. You never know what you might find! :)

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. I took the test--I don't know what you and Teach like, but I think a nice dinner and a game or two of pool would be fun and relaxing without the kiddos.

  3. Oh, I hope I'll win on this one. This is perfect for the Hearts Day.

  4. what about a play or concert?

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I think you should go somewhere that you can talk and enjoy each others company. Maybe a nice dinner and then somewhere different to get a nice dessert.

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  6. go out on the town dancing and dinner
    Judy S
    pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com

  7. Start with a nice relaxing dinner and then go to a movie!


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further