Maria's Space: Alana Stewart Rearview Mirror

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Alana Stewart Rearview Mirror

The 411 by Maria:

I think if we were all to look at our own lives in a rearview mirror we would notice things we wish we had done differently, thing we knew better, and mistakes that could have been avoided if we really were watching from the outside. Well, they say you can't go back and this is very true but as long as you grow, realize your mistakes and take responsibility for the hear and now you are better than most.

Alana Stewart takes a brutally honest look at herself in this book. The road hasn't been easy but she appears to have taken all her hard knocks and emerged a beautiful person who hasn't allowed herself to play the victim.

Autobiographical lovers will love her candid approach and no holds barred account of her tumultuous early years and self resurrection as a balanced, spiritual individual who seeks to look for the positive in life.  Pop culture lovers will love the stories of iconic friends and family like Rod Steward, Elton John, Farrah Fawcett, George Hamilton and more.



  1. I can remember her from when she was married to Rod Stewart! She's had a lot of hard knocks in life

  2. I just won my copy and received it. I can't wait to read it! I remember her being married to George Hamilton.

  3. I'm sure she has some wild stories to tell

  4. Sounds like she has had an interesting life...and I have no idea what Deepak Chopra is but that sounds interesting as well!

  5. Would love to read her stuff!

  6. I remember when she was married to Rod Stewart...that was...a million years ago?! lol.. I did see a program on her about a year ago, and her very humble beginnings... it was actually more interesting than I would have thought it would be.

  7. She's live such an amazing life! Being married to Rod Stewart must have been pretty crazy and awesome during his heyday. I would love to read this book.


  9. Raye W2:32 PM

    I love autobiographies, I'd like to have this one on my biography shelf.


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