Maria's Space: Mom's Cocktail Recipe Book - Mommy Mixology - A REVIEW

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mom's Cocktail Recipe Book - Mommy Mixology - A REVIEW


“Mommy Mixology” to the rescue! Featuring more than 60 playful recipes, 20 color photos, and author Janet Frongillo’s personal tales of catastrophe and triumph raising three sons, this book shows that a good attitude and a fully stocked bar can keep any mom smiling through the worst and best of times. For instance…
*When your toddler digs in his heels and comes back with “NO!” 367 times, shake it off with a refreshing NO!Jito.

*When your little darling starts to pick up on—and repeat!—every word you say, clean up your language with a Son of a Beach.

*When your 3-year-old pushes down his Pull-Ups and learns the difference between boys and girls, sit back and laugh with a Penis Colada.

Covering the first five years of motherhood from conception to sending your little one off to kindergarten (and all the hi-jinks in between), "Mommy Mixology" is for every mom hoping and wishing that they are getting it right.

The 411 by Maria:

While I cannot try any of these right now since my surgery was less than a week ago and I am still on the occasional pain killer I am excited to try many of the drinks in this book.

 Each page has a drink name, a photo, the ingredients of the drink and a funny story to go with it but once again I must mention that if you don't own a pair of funny pants, this book may be offensive to you.

My dream drinks right now would be:

Punch Peach Pants: Champagne, Seltzer, brandy and Cointreau - Yummy!

Fairy Fo Shizzle Dizzle: Whiskey, Triple Sec, Lime Juice - This sounds delish!

Janet is a fellow blogger from a blog called Muffin Top Mommy. Check her out if you have a chance.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary book for the purpose of this review.


  1. This sounds like a funny book with some good recipes. Thanks for sharing. The drinks sounds good. Rita Spratlen

  2. Sandy VanHoey5:20 AM

    I thin every mom needs this occasionally, just to keep your sanity. Sounds like a great book with some great recipes.

  3. these drinks look really good

  4. Hope you're feeling better after your surgery!


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