Maria's Space: Get School Ready With Help from Glee

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Get School Ready With Help from Glee

Glee Lunch Cookbook

The Complete Third Season of Glee on Blu-ray and DVD
 It’s time to pack those school lunches for your little gleeks using these easy recipes provided by the cast of Glee!

Emma’s Crustless Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

·      12 slices of bread
·      Peanut butter
·      Fruit jelly or preserves of your choice

1.     Toast 4 of the bread slices. These pieces will be used in the center of the sandwiches.
2.     After cooling, spread both sides of one center slice with peanut butter.
3.     Spread jelly or preserves on one side of the remaining non-toasted slices.
4.     Place two of the jellied slices on each side of the peanut butter slices. Repeat for each sandwich.
5.     Carefully cut off the crusts of all four sides of each sandwich.
6.     Cut each sandwich diagonally and serve.

Mercedes’ Tots


·      8 medium potatoes, peeled
·      4 tablespoons flour
·      ½ tsp. pepper
·      1 tsp. salt
·      Canola Oil

1.     Using a grater, finely shred the potatoes.
2.     Stir in flour, salt and pepper.
3.     Heat enough oil to come up the sides the bottom of a deep fryer or pot.
4.     Form the potato mix into small balls and drop into oil.
5.     Fry till slightly golden.
6.     Drain tots onto paper towels.
7.     Season with salt and pepper. Ready to serve.

Finn’s Grilled Cheesus

·      8 slices white bread
·      4 slices cheddar cheese
·      3 tablespoons butter

1.     Preheat a skillet or grill pan over medium heat
2.     Butter one side of a slice of bread and place facing down onto skillet.
3.     Add 1 slice of cheese.
4.     Butter a second slice of bread on one side and place butter side facing up on top of sandwich
5.     Grill until lightly browned and flip over; continue grilling until cheese is melted.

Dessert: Rachel Berry Cheesecake


·      1 graham cracker pie crust
·      1 8 oz. cream cheese package
·      1 cup sugar
·      1 tsp. vanilla extract
·      1 cup whipped cream
·      3 cups fresh berries
·      1 cup strawberry jelly

1.     Mix cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and whipped cream in a mixer.
2.     Add in the berries and mix until smooth.
3.     Spoon mix into pie crust.
4.     Chill in fridge until set.
5.     Melt the strawberry jelly in a saucepan until smooth. Mix in fresh berries and top jelly mixture onto cake.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great review and sharing the recipes. I never thought about flour to make tater tots. It makes sense.


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