Maria's Space: Hickory Farms Makes The Holiday Better

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hickory Farms Makes The Holiday Better

First, let me start by saying, that my family has been ordering from
Hickory Farms since I can remember in 1973 but they were probably ordering before that.  The catalogs would come in and my mom would dog ear the pages as she ordered gifts for grandparents, great grandparents, family friends and teachers.

The towers were always a favorite because you would get a box of nuts, sweets, savory things like mustards and then cheese and sausage. I am not a big cheese girl but as a carnivore I love meat. 

Recently I was able to revisit Hickory Farms when I had the opportunity to host a Hickory Farms Party. I invited 7 friends and with the use of Clary's home. Every party she comes to at my  house she says, "that was fun, I should have a party at my house" so since I know she always decorates for Thanksgiving I asked if she wanted to host. She being a great friend said yes and together we entertained 6 woman.  

I was surprised when I asked them if they had ever ordered or received a gift from Hickory Farms. None of them had. They all were familiar with the name because there is usually a Hickory Farm store or mostly a stand in the malls but none had shopped. 

Hickory Farms was being generous. We received enough food to feed a small village.  Choosing 1 of each of the boxes we cut up samples for everyone to try. It was the "best" party ever. 

Get woman together to sample food and it's all good. We had a great time, laughing, talking and eating.  Everyone had a favorite; I personally liked the Turkey Sausage and Cranberry Mustard. Who would think that Cranberry Mustard would taste so amazing. It went quickly. The jars are small but it taste good on everything and a few woman talked about how they would love to put it on top of their ham before they cook it for Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy!

Click to enlarge

The Smoked Gouda Cheese was a favorite. Every time we tried something new, someone would chime that "THIS" was their favorite. 

One of my favorite parts of the party was when I opened the basket containing cheese, meats and fresh fruit. I cut up a red pear and at first everyone was all "I'm not a pear person." Until they tried it! When one returned to the room after taking care of the only kid at the party, a little boy 14 months old, she was asked to try it and when she said, "I'm not a pear person" all of them told her she had to try it. She did! Annnnnddd she loved it too!

Anytime Hickory Farms needs someone to do taste tests, they can count on me and my girls, we are in!

Each woman was handed a box to take with them which completely floored them. I loved the Facebook messages about the party especially when one was telling me she was already cutting into her cheese and sausage. 

Looks like Hickory Farms made some new fans and I was able to give a box to my UPS guy who delivered them and many others every year. My grandparents and in-laws also received boxes. It was the best review ever. 

Click to Enlarge


  1. We love Hickory Farms' products. I buy my husband a set every year for Christmas.

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    This was a great party review. I loved every single item we reviewed especially the Gouda cheese. I was completely satisfied and grateful for Maria for hosting this great party. I would like to thank Hickory farms for being extremely generous with their giveaway package. I bought some to my family and they all grabbed the sausages right away. They could not believe how generous the company was. I am ready for the next review.

  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I love Hickory Farms foods and would love to have a tasting party. I know my friends would have a ball.
    Your pictures show that everyone had a great time and really enjoyed the food.


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