Maria's Space: The Hat Prop

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Hat Prop

My niece was over for a few days and since I had taken pictures of the kids wearing my summer hat, I just had to use it on her during our photo shoot! I love that they all wore the hat this summer.Thinking of getting this done for my wall.


  1. wow, they are so adorable! love their hats!

    Enjoy your week ahead. I am a mom of two active little boys. Like you, I am trying so hard to be awesome mommmy to them!

    cheers and blessings,
    tess @life is beautiful

    p.s have you tried blogvertise? they actually pay you to advertise.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Too cute, I love seeing YOU in that hat, too, so I think if you do a wall of everyone in that hat, there has to be a photo of you, too. Maybe you can even get Teach to pose with it on! =)
    The Shewbridges of Central Florida


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