Maria's Space: Mellow Yellow Monday - Book Lovers Delight

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday - Book Lovers Delight


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! What every book lover enjoys coming upon while out walking. The toy soldiers were just an added bonus.
Picnik collage


  1. I just love bookstores. I can never pass one by without going in. This one really looks fun!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I see loads of yellow. Books, flowers, signs, and the border.... cool!

    Hey, no more SSS??? You didn't post, I wonder if you give up on it?

  3. Bookstores are my favorite place to spend time! Love the toy soldiers too. :)

  4. The only thing better than a book store is a book store with a "sale" sign in the window!

  5. Nature, Oddly enough this is a toy shop/clothing store/consignment shop/dance attire kinda place. I have never seen books. But for 50 cents a piece I think it is a great deal. Didn't look though. My husband would freak if I walked in with more books.

    Freda, I saw all that yellow too. Glad someone else did. We already talked about SSS but for anyone else. Just didn't get a chance to take a picture.

    Helena, Me too! I would love to work at a Borders or Barnes and Noble opening boxes and putting the books on shelves.

    Renee, I couldn't agree more!


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