Maria's Space: Photo Time @ Day One

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Photo Time @ Day One

Here are the rules for Photo Time:
Grab the button above, (save as, unless you wanna offer to make a button?)
The idea is to post a photo, anything you want, and link it up.
(We may get into themes eventually but I will always give a heads up.)
You get 6 days to participate.
Have fun, and happy snapping!!

Here is a picture of my two babies at the zoo on Thursday. This is a stone egg shell and they take pictures in them every year


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    This zoo sounds like a lot of fun. My hubby and I are planning on taking her real soon.

  2. Awesome shot of family love! Thanks for linking up chicka! *mwah*

  3. That is a really cute photo, they look like they are having fun. I saw you at Freda's and thought I would stop by.


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