Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ABC Wednesday - R

This weeks ABC Wednesday is the letter R

R is for Relaxing

After spending two hours climbing and sliding, Goddess relaxed at the bottom of the slide waiting for her cousins to come down.

R is for Running
There just wasn't enough time to play so Goddess spent the 2.5 hours running from slide to slide. Because if you don't go on each about 20 times, it just isn't worth it.

R is for Ring
Picture 972
Not all gems are inedible.


  1. such a cute Goddess too!

  2. I LOVE the socks!!!!

  3. Absolutely love the first shot! Wonderful. And Goddess is appropriately names. She is lovely.

  4. Great pictures, as always. The first one is my favorite. We have a place called Pump It Up nearby where my daughter and I go to play on those inflatables. Sooo much fun!

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Cute picture of Goddess Relaxing.

    I love ring pops. That blue one looks delicious.

  6. My daughter LOVES to RACE to the top of the stairs to see who will win; it's always her.

    Keep On running (Spencer Davis Group) now stuck in my head.

    Looks like a bit of ruminating...

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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