Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - P

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

ABC Wednesday - P

It's Wednesday and while my computer is sick with a nasty virus, I am using the hubs computer. It is great to have this one but I need my email archives! Waahhhh....

ABC Wednesday this week is the letter "P"

P = Playing and Peeking
Playing DS
It's his game but occasionally, he lets her play.

P = Pathetic

When allergies get you down, even the park can suck!

P = Peacock
it's a????

She had no idea what it was but she followed until it turned around.

P = Penguins
April 29, 2010 (1)

Not a great picture but the kids are there, the penguins are there and hello, there I am. In reflection anyway!


P = Pucker
Picture 923
Mwaaahhhh...Happy Wednesday


  1. Great pose with your pucker. Your kids are adorable. Im sure they share toys with each other too.

  2. Allergies are no fun at all. Great post with lots of clever P's.

  3. Fun post for the P day! Your kids are so cute! And so are you! Looks like a fun trip to the zoo -- one of my favorite places! Enjoy the rest of your week and have a great weekend!


  4. Pouty PC = pain aplenty.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. what allergy has your child got? My second daughter is badly affected by dairy and eggs. I can't take peanuts.

    In school, some of my kids are allergic to various things. I feel sorry for them

  6. Adorable pictures ! A nice selection of "P's" !

  7. Profound pics of your progeny!

    And the pucker puts it all in perspective.

    Perfect post!

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.


  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I love to see kids peeking at another child playing a video game. I think is cute!

    Love the pucker picker. back at ya!!

  9. Mwaaahhh!! Back to you baby!! Really cute one.


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