Maria's Space: May Has Become Birthday Month In My Life

Friday, May 21, 2010

May Has Become Birthday Month In My Life

Handsome's birthday is in May, three personal friends birthdays are in May and 6 kids in Handsome's class are in May. Is this normal? I cannot tell you how many birthdays I have attended this month (hence the quiet blog posts).

Getting for my kids is so easy. Handsome is very specific in his likes and wants. Goddess is super easy because she "LOVES" everything.

I really love buying gifts for kids. It is so fun. I just buy things I would want to play with. Being a "big kid" makes it really easy.

For Handsome's first two years I always got him educational toys. As an older, first time mom I wanted to teach him. All my time was spent with him which is why he was spelling at 2 years old. I have video of me doing a puppet show for him while reading a book when he was 2 months old. Poor kid!

When he started Occupational Therapy most of his OT toys looked like this.

I love mixing toys with education.

Now, I love the pretend play toys.

If I had more room and money, I would have bought Handsome something like this.

Isn't virtual wishing fun?

For the kids in my son's class this year I got a lot of them these.

Cute right? Melissa and Doug products are awesome.

Hopefully we get a financial reprieve next month. I am gifted out.


  1. March and June are crazy birthday months for us. I love shopping for gifts for kids for the same reason as you do :) Sometimes I buy my daughter gifts I would have loved to have had when I was little, just so I can play vicariously through her!

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Wow so many birthdays. You were a busy bee!

    I agree with you when it comes to buying presents for kids. I prefer clothes but when a kid asks for a specific toy I love to try and get it.


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