Maria's Space: Check Out These Amateur Movie Reviews

Monday, January 18, 2010

Check Out These Amateur Movie Reviews

Head over to Chotskies to see my reviews on:
  • Grey Gardens
  • 17 Again
  • The Proposal
  • Sunshine Cleaning
Also, I love you man

Let's not forget a little Eye Candy, Maria style.


  1. I loved all of those movies!

    How the heck did Lorie get ahead of me...


  2. You did some wonderful reviews on Chotskies, as I mentioned over there, "Grey Gardens" & "The Proposal" are definitely on my to be seen list.

    (Freda, I'm not trying to, I don't even know if I comment on every post. I think I talk more to Maria via email... Sorry! Hope you enjoy your book.)

  3. The Eye Candy was appreciated!
    And those movies sound great--I really want to see The Proposal. I love Sandra Bullock films---go see The Blindside if you haven't already--very good movie!


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