Maria's Space: The Most Beautiful Dogs in the World-Camera Critters Saturday

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Most Beautiful Dogs in the World-Camera Critters Saturday

I was heading into the supermarket for some Thanksgiving shopping on Tuesday when I spotted these guys sitting in a nearby truck. I stopped, started walking again and turned back toward the truck. Reaching in my bag to find my point and shoot which is always with me, I asked the driver who was reading the paper if it would be OK if I took their picture. He said it would be fine and started telling me about all the awards they have for best dog! The dogs are father and son, the son is in the foreground. They were massive, beautiful and sweet. The driver told me to feel their ears. It was an odd request until I felt their ears. If they were my dogs, I would tell everyone the same thing. They must be about 3 inches thick with fur. Aren't they beautiful?


  1. I know I have a different take on GSD's . I think they're pretty but not the most prettiest alive. Everybody has there own opinions about dogs. But I think all dogs are pretty in there own special way.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    These dogs are beautiful. A good friend of mine owned one, and all I wanted to do was hug and play with the hair. They are really sweet dogs.

  3. They are beautiful - they are not GSD's, they look like Great Pyrenees. Whew the hair on those boys - what sweet expressions.

  4. They are gorgeous! So fluffy!

  5. They are stunning dogs!

    My CC

  6. Those dogs are beautiful. I love the expressions on their faces.

  7. I love the way they are smiling. These dogs are adorable.

  8. Cute and beautiful dogs!

  9. They are really adorable, great post!
    purrs , love and Happy Critters
    Luna - We love Luna

  10. They are absolutely adorable!!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us and have a happy weekend! Ciao! :-)

  11. yes, they are indeed beautiful with their snowy hairs and kind face..they are..wish to have them as pets

    mine is here

  12. OMG, they are so beautiful... I don't know he keeps them so white!
    Or how he keeps their eyes so clean. I have a hard time with Nano, and he is brown, black and red. They may be the most beautiful, but I have the cutest doggie - of course, I MAY be a bit partial... :-)
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. They are beautiful dogs and would have had me stop and take a second or third look. Great photo.

  14. Anonymous10:54 PM

    this is a beautiful siberian samoyed. my sister has one and it has the best personality ever and is so loving and loyal


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