Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures May 16 - May 31

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

My Life In Pictures May 16 - May 31

 May 16 - Dropping these cuties off for volunteer work at the animal shelter. I love that they do this together. 

May 17 - Just some art work.

May 18 - Goddess and Brian spending some time together. We love cat sitting.

May 19 - How my daughter tends to baby birds around our home. She digs up tons of worms and hand feeds them. Disgusting and amazing.

May 20 - One of the coolest people I have ever met. 

May 21 - bird feeding!

May 22 - Met this little cat Trouble. He was laying in the road just getting some sun. We called the number on his tag after scrapping off all the crude that covered the phone number. He lived only three houses away from where we found him. The owner came out asking Trouble to stop causing trouble. We look for him often but haven't seen him. 

May 23 - This boy is lucky he is loved because he is such a pain! Look how cute he is!!

May 24 - Sometimes you have to sage the place.

May 25 - Snap filter are fun

May 26 - My little Mary Poppins always has everything you might need in her bag. This umbrella came in handy.

May 27 - Out for a stroll with my favorite girl.

May 28 - Filters are strange I don't even recognize my daughter in this one. 

May 29 - These guys now come and meet the car waiting for food.

May 30 -  Just a lazy night on the couch

May 31 - My girls

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