Maria's Space: Do You Have Any Rituals To Prepare For The New Year? Here's What I Do!

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Do You Have Any Rituals To Prepare For The New Year? Here's What I Do!

While I am not sure if these things should be called a ritual, but I have been doing the same things for years.

I make a mental list that clears out the old and gets it all ready for the new.

- Clean out my dresser drawers. I am on top of this throughout the year with seasonal changes but taking every drawer out and removing all items, cleaning out the drawer with an all purpose cleaner than either folding, organizing, tossing, donating or giving away items gives me a clearer head. 

- Go through my email inbox. I use one email for all and the other back up emails are so unimportant that I don't bother. It's fairly easy since I try to stay on top of this daily but December gets a bit crazy, so I really need to clean up. I get hundreds of emails a day. 

            -This is the time of year I unsubscribe to things I am no longer interested in or thought I would be but didn't find time so why clutter the inbox. Skim to the bottom, find the unsubscribe button and it will no longer be sent to you. I also move emails that are important or need to be remembered by placing them in specific folders.  I can find them when I need to and my inbox remains uncluttered. 

- Go through my Christmas decorations. Right before we put it away, I look at everything that is out. Does it still give me joy? Did I get something better? Is this in needed of cleaning or is it broken?  Seeing everything out makes it easier than when I am going through the bins with the family as we put up the tree. Everyone is sentimental as we put up the tree. Clearer head as we get ready to take it down in another week or two.  We are not in a hurry because we love it.

- Organize my photos! This is the one that takes the most time. I take hundreds of photos a month. I through them all into my Google Drive to make room on my phone. I have folders set up on my One Drive by month and year so every few months I move the photos that matter most to my One Drive from Google. I rename them by the date they were taken so I can find them when I want them. I honestly wish I had a better system. If anyone else has one, please let me know. 

- Go through my pantry and throw out anything that is expired or use what is getting close to expiration. Clean the shelves and put everything back. 

- Clean the ceiling fans! OMG they get so gross with three cats. We do this about 4 times a year but honestly should do it more. 

-Go through my pen/pencil/paper drawer. I literally take out a piece of paper and write with each marker and pen to see if it still writes. We have an abundance of markers and pens so I love tossing anything that is no longer keeping. 

- Go through my medicine cabinet and under the sinks. I toss anything that is expired, not being used anymore or taking up space and will only forever take up space. I clean the shelves and put it all back in an organized fashion until someone messes it up again.

What do you guys do? Is there anything I should consider as part of my Start The Year Off Fresh Ritual? 

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