Maria's Space: My Life In Photos - January 27 - January 31 - Snowy and blurry that is my life

Monday, March 04, 2019

My Life In Photos - January 27 - January 31 - Snowy and blurry that is my life

January 27 

Not a great photo but this is the only one I found one the computer. Taken by a co-worker at the company holiday party which we have always done the end of January. It is nice to have something to look forward to after the holidays that is holiday related but doesn't add to the stress of the busy month.

January 28 

A few days of board games with my girl thanks to Pressman Toys. They sent us a few Harry Potter games and we loved them. See our review here.

January 29 

Again, not a great pic but this is it! My life..blurry and fast. The kids and I did some shoveling so that my husband would be able to get the car in the driveway when he got home from work. We were cold and this was fast but any time I can be with my kids...I am a happy girl.

January 30 

Snow, snow and more snow. It is to be expected. Now that the kids are older I don't spend as much time as I use to in the snow but still love looking at it from inside.

January 31 

Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day. I love driving my son to school every day because of the views.

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