Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - December 1 - December 11

Saturday, December 29, 2018

My Life In Pictures - December 1 - December 11

December 1 - My doorway made me so happy this year. My husband did a fantastic job. Next year we have big plans.

December 2 - One of the best things about working where I work is the baby room. I love going in just to get a baby fix.

December 3 - It wouldn't be good if I didn't have a Goddess sketch to put into this month. I love this drawing and once again she colored in her digital program. She is so good it makes me smile just to think about it.

December 4 - Some of my favorite December snacks. I cannot get enough of those Munk Pack cookies.

December 5 - This is why girls love Snapchat. Me 15 seconds apart without the app versus with. I love me with the app!

December 6 - Working on my preschool classes Christmas project. They ended up coming out great even though I only did some cutting and can't take credit for anything else I wanted to include this in my memory.

December 7 - Luna taking a peek even though her window seat is in use these days. She is so cute.

December 8 - I am in love with this shot of Goddess and Sage which ended up going on our Christmas card this year.

December 9 - Just one of the many adorable cats we take care of at the shelter! Adopted since this photo but OMG that face.

December 10 - Wellness day for the kids and I as we took a day off to visit Santa for our yearly pic. My daughter and I were off and my son was offered the opportunity to come with us or go to school but only because he was unsure as to whether he wanted to take the day off of school. Before you go thinking it is because he really doesn't want to miss a day of school. It was because he didn't want to miss study hall. UGH. He of courses decided to come. How could he miss? Look how happy my son is!

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