Maria's Space: OMG Is She Really Going On 13?

Friday, April 06, 2018

OMG Is She Really Going On 13?

I cannot believe my girl is going to be 13 in a week. It kills me that she is getting older. I waited a long time to have kids being 36 with my son and 38 with my daughter. My kids are my everything. My entire life and schedule revolves around them. The blog was started around the time my daughter was born. I had two kids under 3, lived in a town that prior to kids I had only slept in so I didn’t know anyone and my family didn’t live close by so there are about 5,000 posts about my kids on Maria’s Space and I love going back and re-reading some things that I have forgotten about. I thank God I have this blog to remember all the little things.

My daughter who I call Goddess on my blog is a wonderful person. She is funny with a quick wit and always got the joke. I definitely call her a friend and love being in her world.

Where does the time go? I am so not ready to let her go one day. If only I could pause life for a little while.

She was asked to help an artist friend design a tree for Earth Day. Everything must be made from recycled items.

This week we headed to the Teen Center and with music, teens, yelling, running and more going on, she created two butterflies from recycled cardboard and water bottles. They came out so good I wish she would make some for our house.

Letting go is the hardest part.

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