Maria's Space: Everyone Loves A Good Murder - Mystery Box Subscription That Sets The Bar High

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Everyone Loves A Good Murder - Mystery Box Subscription That Sets The Bar High

WOW! Just WOW! This subscription box really is over the top good. If you or someone you know loves solving mysteries this is the perfect gift idea. 

The first box in the cosykiller series
Immerse your mother in the 1930s golden age of fiction with the first in immersive crime fiction

Cosykiller is a unique subscription box which is an ideal gift for a murder mystery loving mom.  A cross between a choose your own adventure novel - and a role playing detective game - cosykiller was brought to life by the award winning team at Red Herring Games (an international team of fictional assassins).

Each month your mother will get sent critical details pertaining to the case as an heir hunter searches through the clues in the past to try and discover what happened to Marie.

Each box holds different clues, and as the investigation unfolds subscribers are sent objects designed to recreate the look and feel of a period crime, including vintage themed memorabilia, spices, aged paper, even an old journal with burned pages.  There are ciphers, sketches, and plenty of intrigue.  All in all - it's an ideal present for mom's who are wannabe sleuths, armchair detectives and lovers of vintage memorabilia.

Box 2 in the cosykiller series

About the subscription:

Cosykiller is a fully immersive murder mystery game for one that arrives directly to your door

•  Each story lasts a year with 12 monthly subscription boxes
•  Each month a box of clues including vintage memorabilia, keepsakes and puzzles is delivered to your door
•  You can play on your own or discuss as a small group or family
•  It's fully immersive in look, feel and even smell!

About the game:
It's the 1930s. Marie Jones, a young woman from a wealthy family in England has been sent to India to stay with her aunt in order to find a suitable match... within the year Marie is found to be missing.
Her lost journal is finally discovered under the floorboards of a local dwelling by an heir hunter.  As the last known living relative of the family line, the journal falls into our possession.
With the help of regular discoveries from the Indian based heir hunter, it's up to you to fathom out what happened to Marie.

How to buy:
Cosykiller is available to buy directly from the website  Players can sign up for a full year or elect to pay as they go.  The game is shipped internationally with players already taking part in Australia, Singapore, the USA and UK.

The 411:

My family was really impressed with this fun game.  The package, the letter, the diary wrapped in very noisy tissue paper looked completely legit. In fact if my daughter wasn't there telling me "mom remember you were getting a package from cosykiller?" Uhhhh no! No I didn't I was about to call the police on this one.

The mystery will come to you over a few different packages. You are the detective in this one. You can do it alone or with your own Scooby gang no van needed.

Each package gives more details to the murder mystery. You will unravel the clues and solve the mystery at your own pace with a box coming every month.

You can pay for a few year or as you go!

What I think:

Perfect! I loved all the details. Really impressed with the subscription box. I also believe it is costly but feel that this is a great family gift and if you know someone who loves mysteries and playing the detective this is the gift.

To Order: CosyKiller

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honers opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. All opinion are my own.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good subscription box. I love murder mysteries.


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