Maria's Space: My Life In Photos April 3- April 7, 2018

Sunday, April 08, 2018

My Life In Photos April 3- April 7, 2018

April 3, 2018

My selfies while waiting for the kids to come out of school. I love Snapchat
This is me on Instagram and Reality LOL.

April 4, 2018 

This girl is so talented. I love these butterfly wings she drew on cardboard for an Earth Day project.

April 5, 2018

I received HPV and Chlamydia from Giant Microbes .aren't they cute? Review coming soon.

April 6, 2018

My preschool class loved this activity so much that we did it two days in a row. It's a real life Ice Age activity that is perfect for toddlers. See more here.

April 7, 2018 

UGH...Usually I go grocery shopping early in the morning on Sat or Sun but yesterday I needed my daughter to come with because we needed to go to Petsmart to get some supplies for her guinea pig. Unfortunately she didn't want to wake up and I went on a Saturday at 11:00 A.M. It was SOOOOO crowded. We waited at the register for 20 minutes hating every second and of course I reminded her that if she had got up when I said we would have been home already. GRRR

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