Maria's Space: Give YOU and Your Boo-Boo The Gift Of Sleep

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Give YOU and Your Boo-Boo The Gift Of Sleep

Hey my friends have I got a great product for parents of toddlers and preschoolers for you. I really wish this was around when I had tiny ones in the house. 

Sleep Buddy is the perfect bedtime system for you and your boo boo. This was created for 18 months to 4 year old children during the transition time from crib to bed but I see no reason not to use this for kids who are out of bed on weekends way too early. SleepBuddy™ teaches healthy sleep habits using a timed light that turns on when it's time to sleep, and turns off when your child can get up.

Sleep Buddy is packaged in a gift box so when you bring it up to your littles you are presenting them with a "gift". Well, it is actually a gift for you too especially if it allows you a few extra winks before the kids are out of bed on running around the house. There is even a separate light for nap time so you don't have to reset it for two different times.

When they open the "gift" you can explain that this is their new buddy and read them the tiny storybook included called A Bedtime Surprise. This is a story about a little boy who receives the light and explains  how the light is used. You don't even have to do it.  Then show your little the colorful Incentive Chart (red week, green week, blue week and yellow week), and smiley face stickers that they can stick on the chart  every time they stay in their room. 

Included in the box is a Parent Guide and a USB cord so you can charge Sleep Buddy. The guide has a chart by age that includes the recommended sleep times for nap and bed as well as suggestions on rewards and how to set the times on Sleep Buddy.

My kids and I love this idea and both wish it was around for when they were younger and my daughter is using it now. She doesn't have a clock in her room and now that the light goes on she knows when it is time to go to bed and this morning she came out of her room saying her light was still on so she knew it was before 6:00.  We had a snow day so I didn't wake her up. 

I am thinking this would also be good for Christmas morning. My son is 14 and Autistic. Since the age of 5 he would wake at the crack of dawn and head to the living room touching and searching through the gifts before anyone else was awake. I will be using this Christmas Eve in his room. He will not be allowed to leave his room until at least 7. No more opening gifts at 4:45 AM.  WOOT! WOOT!

The SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System (a $69.99 value) includes:
·     Interchangeable Light
·     Children's Book
·     Rewards Chart
·     Parent's Guide

Follow SleepBuddy to stay up to date with this wonderful invention.
Instagram: MySleepBuddy 
Twitter: @SleepBuddy
Pinterest: SleepBuddy

To Order SleepBuddy

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own.

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