Maria's Space: Game Day Snacks With The Help Of Farm Rich

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Game Day Snacks With The Help Of Farm Rich

I am not a football fan. I have tried for years but my boys make up for my lack of interest. My husband got almost the perfect son for his football love. I say almost because my son's favorite team is my husband's least favorite team. Although they don't share a favorite team, they do share a passion. This year the guys have been planning the menu. They like pizza, chips, and finger food. Easy enough! However I will not be here so they need things that are easy and quick which is why I stocked up on Farm Rich Appy's. They need things that they can toss on a cookie sheet or tin pan and run back to the game.

Farm Rich has some great snacks and over the past two weeks I tried some of them to see if we should purchase them for their game day.

We also tried their Pizza Wrap. It is like an egg roll but with pizza inside. It even comes with the marinara sauce that you dunk in hot water.

My favorite is the onion ring. They are probably my favorite frozen onions rings ever. I make onion rings a few times a year but it takes so long and then their is the clean up. These were just as good with whole onions instead of pieces of onion and too much breading. LOVE THEM.

They also come with a dipping sauce that you sit in hot water until it is ready for using.

The past two weeks Farm Rich has been a staple in my freezer and the kids and husband love them!

I am making these very soon!

Disclaimer: I received complimentary coupons for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

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