Maria's Space: Just Watched Hollows Grove You Never Get Out! Made Me JUMP Twice

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Just Watched Hollows Grove You Never Get Out! Made Me JUMP Twice

Tag Line:  You Never Get Out

The 411 by Maria:

We love horror movies but especially this new genre of takes on reality ghost shows where investigators head into various locations and give you a history of what happened there as well as their investigation. I am not going to lie; I am a big fan of these types of shows.

In Hollows Grove a bunch a paranormal investigation team explore an abandoned, haunted orphanage.  It takes a while before the "real" ghosts show up (midway through the movie). Before that the team are setting up their shots and scaring each other. 

I definitely jump twice but shook about 5 times and I think that was because of the audio. There was a lot of whispering or low talking and suddenly there would be the loudest sound. 

The effects of the "ghost children" were fair but part of me wishes there was more interaction. 

The coolest scene shows about 5 or 6 children walking toward the investigators but only one of them can see it. 

Bravo Craig. I loved it!


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I hate scary movies!! So I will not be watching this. lol

  2. Glad you liked it but I NEVER go to scary movies. It does sound interesting though.

  3. thank you for this in-depth review ! but i am not a scary movie person!! lol!!

  4. I love scary movies! This is something I'd want to watch.

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    My teenage daughter still gets freaked out watching scary movies. I love them.

  6. I love a good scary movie! I am going to check this out!

  7. Always good to watch a horror movie!

  8. I love horror films but there are some I love and watch constantly, I still get scared at certain parts this sounds great.

  9. i have a hard time with horror wow

  10. i love scary movies i like the ones that you dont exspect to scare you , then you piss yourself lol :)

  11. I think this be real good

  12. Sounds like a good scary movie to watch for the whole family.

  13. I studied graphic design so I sometimes judge a book by it's cover. This one looks way cool.

  14. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)6:38 AM

    I like scary movies! The only promblem is that I'm very jumpy -- I often jump and gasp during them but I think that is part of the fun.

  15. I have a love/hate for scary movies! This one sounds like it would fit in the category! :)

  16. I love movies that scare me, but I hate gory movies. The truly scary ones are the ones that can be true.


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