Maria's Space: Painting On Stones, ROCKS! #painting #crafts #rockpainting

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Painting On Stones, ROCKS! #painting #crafts #rockpainting

When you have a crafty daughter you get to pull out all the craft things you didn't always have time for before she got to be a fun crafty age.

She goes through our craft bins often and as you can see, there is always glitter. Glitter is something you will always find on my rug. I cannot keep up with the amount of spillage that gets worked into the nasty old carpet.

Last week I set up a table on the deck and called her outside. This is how we roll!

Goddess has been collecting interesting (in her mind) rocks forever. She has a special box with them but one in particular was on a desk because it was too big for the box. A week before she had almost dropped it on her foot and cried after her dad yelled about it almost breaking her foot. Handsome took the rock and placed it on the table outside and I had been looking at it for a week wondering what to do with it. As I drank my coffee I turned it around and around. Was it a dinosaur head? Was it a car? Nope, I saw it was a house so I started sketching a basic front leaving the walkway as the rock. We picked out a few colors and Goddess got to work.

Painting a rock was way easier then sketching on it with pencil. I broke three trying to draw lines for her to paint inside.

Goddess painted the bigger pieces and I added the little details. I love this shot of her concentrating.

Here it is all ready for details but now we weren't sure about the color of the roof. The harder part was trying not to go overboard with window boxes and such. This was our first and we are not artists but I love the grass area.

So cute right?!

Next I added a stand by taking a piece of styrofoam, cutting a small slice in it that fit the rock and painted it brown.
Goddess painted this little round rock and I added the face and little highlights. He looks so cute.


  1. Never go into crafting, but worlds of others seem to enjoy it. Your daughter created some cut things.

  2. Hi Maria,

    I've never liked glitter, but I love this "new" craft! That blue house is so cute. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  3. Cute house rock! and the little guy :) Crafting can be a lot of fun, that's for sure!

  4. I love it--both of those belong in front of a frog house or in a fairy house village.

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