Maria's Space: Chasers Of The Light Makes You Fall In Love With Poetry All Over Again

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Chasers Of The Light Makes You Fall In Love With Poetry All Over Again


The 411 by Maria:

I opened the beautifully covered book and thought, let me just give it a glance and read it this week. After reading the first three lines of the first poem I was completely done in and sat and read this book while my family lived around me. When I finally got up from the couch I wanted to kiss the book and place it somewhere, not just toss it into a ready to pass on pile. 

Tyler writes the words that everyone wants to read. There is not a man or woman who wouldn't want to know that one of his poems was written for them and them alone. 

His eloquent writing steals your breath and shudders your heart until you are completely and thoroughly in love with him.

I plan on revisiting my old writing, perhaps even taking out my old typewriter and maybe hitting a few keys. 

Thanks for the beautiful inspiration Tyler.

Discloser: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was received.


  1. Nice review--really made me want to read those poems :)

  2. I like poems.They are so soothin.g

  3. I read a lot but I haven't read poetry in a long time—perhaps I'll pick up a copy of this book!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  4. I enjoy reading poetry and always have felt that way. What an interesting new poet he is!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. It sounds like an interesting read.


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