Maria's Space: Stock Up On Your Beach and Pool Side Reads! THIS IS A MUST

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Stock Up On Your Beach and Pool Side Reads! THIS IS A MUST



Everyone knows The Registry saved America from collapse. Which is why girls are raised to be brides auctioned off to the highest bidder, and boys are raised by the government to be hardened soldiers. Everyone accepts this as their patriotic duty, except for two girls who are determined to find a way out. Mia has been dreading her eighteenth birthday for as long as she can remember. It marks her coming of age and the time for her appraisal as a potential bride. She’s one of the pretty ones, and she passes her appraisal with flying colors. Snapped up in record time with her parents’ blessing for more money than she ever imagined, Mia will not succumb to this life. She escapes with her best friend Whitney, who’s been on the marriage block with no takers for a year and will end up a slave working for the government if no one chooses to marry her. Soon they are running for their lives as government agents, bounty hunters, and Mia’s intended is hot on their heels. They’ll make it to Mexico, where a free if uncertain future awaits--or die trying.

The 411 by Maria:

Well now...this book is right up there as one of the best of the year, so far for me.  We are only in April and I am putting that out there. Yes, this is a must read. Completely different, fast, and like nothing I have ever read before.

Here is my description of this book. It starts out like this.. Mia is beyond beautiful and about to turn 18, something she has been looking forward to her whole life (contrary to what the synopsis above says).  She has heard that her auction price is higher than anyone ever in the history of the registry and should provide her with a wonderful suitor who will become her husband. When her sister storms in with news that rocks Mia's world and the fantasy bubble she has been living in, Mia tries to escape the life that her parents, government and country have established for woman since the onset of the registry.

OK...well...let me start by telling you that I am excited for someone I know to read this book because I long to discuss it. As I described it to my girlfriend Clary she was like "whoooooa this sounds like a good book." Maybe it was my excitement and enthusiasm but I think it was the storyline.

The world that author Shannon Stokes creates scares the bejesus out of me.  Imagine living in a world where the dowry on our heads is based on our beauty, our family benefits from our sale and our husband owns us. Where woman and men are slaves to the government. Where the woman are treated as if they have zero power yet they are the ones with the power because without them, their families wouldn't do survive.

The story felt apocalyptic to me in a sense that the world had a new normal. I loved every single page. Read this book and hit me up, I want to talk to you.

Great first book Shannon, you are a breath of fresh air.

Visit Shannon’s website
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Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion.

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