Maria's Space: My Planet: Finding Humor in the Oddest Places by Mary Roach

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Planet: Finding Humor in the Oddest Places by Mary Roach


The 411 by Maria:

I truly loved this book. It was a super quick read full of essay that mostly centered around Mary and her Husband Ed. 

To be honest I have never heard of Mary prior to this book which came to me for review. This is one of the reasons I love being a book reviewer. There are so many books that would have never been on my radar and would have never been read, fall right into my lap.

Mary and her husband are hysterically funny, way funnier than my husband and I. Their banter back and forth add to Mary's witty look at life which is just so not fair. 

Each chapter is only about a page or two and a half filled with humor that you will enjoy even if you are not married to an equally witty man.

 Disclaimer: I received a complimentary book for my honest opinion.

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