Maria's Space: The Outpouring Of Generosity Is OverWhelming

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Outpouring Of Generosity Is OverWhelming

I am a crier. Some of my crying is done because of hurt feelings, and sad movies, but most of my crying happens when I feel love.

Today, I felt overwhelming love from so many people in my community. It happens often. I live in a wonderful town where I know sooo many people. This is the first place I ever set down roots and stayed longer than 5 years since I was born. We are here since 1998 and since the town is small, I know a lot of people.

Yesterday, the school principal asked me to come in before school started because she had something for me. It turned out her house was hit by a falling tree today so she was late. The nurse handed me a bag with two wrapped presents. One for each of my children. I was so touched. Goddess who was sick was with me so I put the bag behind my back and we both ran to the car in the rain. She asked what they had to give me and I said, a piece of paper. I stashed it in my trunk.

We pulled out of the parking lot and I was tearing up thinking about the school and how good they are to my family when I get to the stop sign my phone rings. It is the school. "Can you come back? Nothing is wrong, it is a good thing."

I head back and leave Goddess locked in the car because she asked if she could please stay. Her fever makes her tired so she asked for my phone to listen to music and I headed in.

Heading to the office I told them she was in the car, the all said they hoped she was better soon and we talked for a second about how so many kids and teachers have been sick. I could see the car from where I was and was getting anxious that my sweetie was alone for 3 minutes now.  The principal walked over and handed me two gift cards. She hugged me and said, "from my hometown who wanted to help families in this area that are hurting" I started crying and was hugged by all in the office. The school has been so generous to my family after hearing that we were financially struggling  We are part of a snack pack where they send Handsome home with a backpack of snacks so I don't have to buy them for the kids. It really helps us budget better. We, like so many I know have been really affected financially. I am praying for a better new year but between my medical bills and Teach's business loss, it has been hard.

We have been so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives who understand our situation and want to help. My sister in law has been amazing to us. My Uncle and Grandparents have offered to help although I can't bring myself to say yes, friends have provided hand me downs for both kids where we didn't even have to buy them anything new this year except for sneakers for Handsome, underwear and PJs for both and the school has helped in so many little ways.

I count my blessings every day but today, I counted them twice.


  1. That is very generous and gracious. Feel blessed.

  2. That is amazing. I'd cry, too. :) When I broke my back years ago, I was shocked by the number of flowers, cards, balloons, and cookie/muffin baskets I was sent, among other things, some much more concretely helpful. I learned this phrase then and never forgot its truth: Small town, big family. Sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful big family!

  3. Freda, I do! It was an amazing day. Life is good.

    Heather, That is an awesome phrase. I love it. I run the town news site since we lost our newspaper and may just have to quote you. I know there are many more who would agree with that.

  4. Maria Wood8:35 PM

    How beautiful! That's the true meaning of Christmas! I know what you mean about struggling financially. My husband had a very successful real estate company, but when the recession hit, no one was buying houses anymore and our business went bankrupt. We had to start all over again. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and we too hope 2013 is going to be a good year. Have faith in the Lord and he answers your prayers! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  5. This is the true meaning of Christmas!


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